Run Coaching 

No matter if you are a beginner or elite, runner or triathlete; WE can help you be your best in our system.

We design workouts based on YOU.  The program is based on our philosophy but tailored to the individual athlete.  You have access to your coach as much as you would like; some we talk to everyday, some once a week.  It is whatever the athlete needs.  We cap the number of athletes under the SCTC umbrella allowing our complete focus on our current athletes health, happiness and improvement.

We work for the athlete, not the other way around. 

Coaching Philosophy

Olympic Gold and Silver medalist Frank Shorter was once asked if he had any interest in writing a book on training.  His response illustrates so much about our training program:  "No, do you know why? Because if I did it would be a page long. Here's what you do: run two hard workouts a week then as much volume as you can handle, that's it.  Do this consistently and you'll get good."

We believe in CONSISTENCY AND PERCEIVED EFFORT; day in day out, week in week out, period.  Endurance sports are simple and aerobic in nature so we like to train that way.  Every year there are ‘breakthroughs’ in training, recovery methods, and nutritional products.  Athletes who are chasing 'the secret' are missing the point; run often, some days faster, rest once in a while. Simple, not Easy.